Choosing a Bow: Playability
There is no penultimate, perfect bow that will completely satisfy everyone. But there is a range of characteristics that all good bows share. No two bows are exactly alike !
There is no ideal weight for all musician. The choice is simply determined by the preference of the player.
Violin bows 57 to 63 grams average 60grams
Viola bows 67-72 grams average 70 grams
Cello bows 77-84 grams average 80 grams
A good analogy when considering the strength of a bow is to compare the bow in your hand to the ride you might experience in a car. Focus on how the hair feels in contact with the string. How does the stick feel in your hand as you move the bow.
A strong bow stick tends to feel like a sports car! Stiff suspension, quick action, maybe a little loud!
A soft bow stick can feel like a big Cadillac as it rides smoothly and softly across the string. A softer stick generally has a warmer tone.
The balance of a bow can easily be measured with a ruler.
You will come up with a number and a point on the shaft of the bow but experience tells me that that is not the whole story. Two bows can have the exact same balance point but feel very different depending on the overall weight. The balance point can be altered by changing the wrapping on the butt end of the bow.